2012/01/04 kameda[at]iit.tsukuba.ac.jp (kameda.aa[at]gmail.com) Casper-4.75E Supplemental document may be availabe at http://www.kameda-lab.org/casper This document does not intend to explain softwares/packages. It just indicates the first steps of the softwares. For further information, please read documents in each packages and/or their web sites (starting from the home book-mark of firefox). ===================================================== ARToolKit 2.7.21 ===================================================== $ cd ARToolKit-Ubuntu/ (print patterns.pattHiro.pdf or at least display it) (plug a USB camera) $ cd bin $ ./simpleLite ===================================================== PTAMM v1.3 ===================================================== (See chap.13 of manual.pdf in ptamm.zip) (Slightly modify the codes for some options) (See ~/Downloads/PTAMM-v1.3-20111017-1847.patch) $ cd PTAM-work/PTAMM-UbuntuOpenCV (read manual.pdf in the directory!) (print calib-pattern.pdf) $ ./CameraCalibrator-OpenCV {-coloron} {camera-id|videofile|streamingURL} (got camera.cfg? ok.) $ ./PTAMM-OpenCV {-coloron} {-lightoff} {-camera camera.cfg} {-command commandssample.cfg} {camera-id|videofile|streamingURL} ===================================================== PTAM r114 ===================================================== $ cd PTAM-work/PTAM-UbuntuOpenCV (print calib-pattern.pdf) $ ./CameraCalibrator-OpenCV {-coloron} {camera-id|videofile|streamingURL} (got camera.cfg? ok.) $ ./PTAM-OpenCV {-coloron} {-lightoff} {camera-id|videofile|streamingURL} ===================================================== PTAM-TrakMark ===================================================== $ cd ~/PTAM-work/PTAM-TrakMark (Prepare TrakMark BlueRayDisc and mount it) (Check "VideoSource.root" and "ReferenceFile.root" in settings.cfg, default is media/TrakMark) $ ./PTAM ===================================================== OpenCV-2.3.1a ===================================================== $ cd OpenCV-2.3.1 $ cd samples/cpp $ gcc -o starter_video starter_video.cpp `pkg-config --cflags opencv` `pkg-config --libs opencv` (plug a USB camera) $ ./starter_video 0 ===================================================== Polyora-1.0.2 ===================================================== $ cd ~/Polyora-work $ mkdir sample-data $ cd sample-data $ unzip ~/Downloads/polyora-data.zip (plug a USB camera) $ ../polyora-1.0.2-Source-Ubuntu/vobj_tracker/vobj_tracker (type h when camera watches a card, it will be registered) (Once succeeded, you'll see 5x5 thin white mesh on the card) (You can register many cards) (If camera watches a card for seconds, its performance will be improved) ===================================================== BazAR 1.3.1 ===================================================== (plug a USB camera) $ cd ~/BazAR-work/bazar-1.3.1 $ mkdir 99sandbox $ cd 99sandbox $ ../samples/multicam/multicam $ cd .. (then, if you do not need the results,) $ rm -rf 99sandbox ===================================================== voodoo-1.1.0 ===================================================== $ cd ~/voodoo/voodoo-x86linux-1.1.0 $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/bin $ bin/voodoo (File->Open->Sequence) (Directory: Browse: -> samples_image_sequence -> tripod_rotation -> uni.00.tga -> Open) (OK) (Click "Track", the right-bottom button) (Use play buttons to review) ===================================================== R ===================================================== $ R > demo(graphics) > demo(image) > demo(persp) > demo(plotmath) > q() ... then type n ===================================================== Qt4 demo ===================================================== $ qtdemo > click "Demonstrations" (at left-side, top) > click "Affine Transformations" (at left-side, top) > click "Launch" (at the bottom pane) > ...