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- 1
$BAR3]@5<#(B, $B%i%^%+%s%H(B $B%M%t%!%F%#%"(B, ``$B4X@a$N$"$kF0J*BN$N5-=R$HDI@W(B,''
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J. Lee and T. L. Kunii, ``Constraint-based hand animation,'' Models and
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- 4
M. K. Leung and Y. Yang, ``A region based approarch for human body motion
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W. Long and Y. Yang, ``Log-tracker: An attribute-based approarch to
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$BLZK\0KI'(B, $B3aC+> J74-D-II, 3, pp.
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Yoshinari Kameda
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